Takin Microsystem
Takin Microsystem Company began operations in 1382. The company focused on designing and manufacturing microwave telecommunication systems in its early years. However, due to the global expansion of the M2M industry, the company’s focus on developing and manufacturing M2M products has shifted. From infrastructure and IT services to intelligence and monitoring solutions, the company provides a wide range of services and products in electronics, automation, instrumentation, and the oil and gas and telecommunications industries. Throughout its one and a half decades of operation, the company has been involved in several significant national projects in various fields.
The company’s first significant project was “Gas Volume Conversion Device,” which completed all stages of work from design to prototyping, piloting, production, and obtaining all standards with the assistance of experts. Following on from this success, For the first time in the Middle East, Takin Company introduced this product to market under its brand in 1391.
Takin has served a diverse range of commercial customers over the last 15 years, including large electronics, defense, oil and gas, energy industries, manufacturing, public organizations, and the transportation industry. One of this company’s plans is to manufacture industrial automation equipment using IoT technology, combining it with BlockChain and Smart Contract technology on hardware.