Tosan Technology Development (Techno)
As a knowledge-based company and a leading provider of comprehensive banking and electronic payment solutions in Iran, TOSAN Techno envisions itself as a pioneer in shaping a pleasant digital experience for people. Its mission is defined as “making advanced technologies practical to develop the digital society.”
The pinnacle of digital transformation in banking lies in creating a digital bank. TOSAN Techno focuses on “branch transformation,” partnering with banks on their digital journey. Developing innovative solutions to make emerging digital technologies practical and investing in enhancing artificial intelligence capabilities are among the company’s main priorities.
TOSAN Techno’s key technological solutions in branch transformation include: Virtual banking services through video banking on VTM (Virtual Teller Machines) and mobile platforms, and a comprehensive self-service solution (cash deposit and withdrawal machines) with over 95% market share.
At its production site, TOSAN Techno aims to diversify production based on market needs while advancing technical and engineering capabilities and supply chain efficiency to deepen domestic production of banking machines and electronic payment terminals.
In the services sector, TOSAN Techno focuses on delivering specialized and exceptional services to banks and electronic payment service providers in Iran.
To expand fintech-driven businesses, the company has invested in fintechs such as Shopp and MoneyTech.
In the summer of 2023, the shares of TOSAN Techno (under the symbol “FanAfzar”) were publicly offered on the Iran FaraBourse market.